Two-Voice Scripts
Two-voice Bible drama scripts are effective when acted out or read dramatically because they are
- tightly-scripted
- people-friendly
- memory-making poetic sketches.
Tips for scripts:
- Become the character.
- Capture the tone. Each script is different.
- Savor each syllable.
- Play to the rhythm, rhyme, and repetition without being sing-songy.
- Rehearse with your partner. Timing, pauses, and body language matter.
- Read lines together when marked with a star.
- Exploit the conflict when characters say different words at the same time.
- Be conversational, but stick to the script. Your audience will love the word plays.
Available Drama Scripts in Two Voices
Special 5-Sketch Collage about Marriage: It All Started in Eden
Special 4-Sketch Christmas Collection: Conversations With Gabriella
Old Testament Scripts
*Swinging Through the Courts of Power