
Seeing Ourselves as Others See Us

O wad some Power the giftie gie us

To see oursels as ithers see us!

Robert Burns’ poetic words charmed their way into my soul in sophomore English. I still hear them when a mirror reveals a piece of kale stuck between my teeth or a splash of spaghetti sauce on my shirt when I come home after a dinner meeting.

Like a mirror, drama reveals our flaws. Alpha Star Drama specializes in sketches of Bible characters that use humor and poetic language to help us see our foibles so we can find solutions to life’s messy situations. Read through the drama sketches for free at Figure out how you can use them as creative starters for small groups, youth activities, or outreach ministries.

HARVEST SPECIAL: From now through October 31, all individual Old Testament ASD scripts are half price.

HARVEST BONUS: For every two scripts purchased, you get a FREE copy of “What’s Wrong With Vegetables?” It’s a fun script that deals with attitudes, obedience, and worship. Add it to your cart and use the code VEGGIES at checkout. Enjoy!


S’more Free Scripts

marshmallows over campfire

Summer's a great time to use short, easy-to-prepare drama sketches to spark conversation in the backyard or around a campfire. It's also a good time to energize your fall start-up activities. Why not consider a FREE SCRIPT from ALPHASTAR DRAMA to open discussions of eternal significance this season? Use the coupon code SMORES when you check out.

What’s Wrong With Vegetables?

CAIN repeatedly asks this question as he argues with ADAM about appropriate sacrifices. The humorous exchange helps all of us examine what’s really involved in pleasing God. View Script Details

We’re Gonna Miss That Boat!

This sketch provides many chuckles as ZEB and SOPHIE MAE, Noah’s hillbilly neighbors, make fun of his boat. Their dialogue sparks discussions about obeying God in an antagonistic culture. View Script Details

Emmaus Road Stranger

CLEOPAS and the OTHER TRAVELER talk about how their distress over Jesus’ crucifixion almost blinded them to the greatest opportunity of their lives. Their “what if” questions are ones we also need to ask. View Script Details

I Can’t See!

ZACCHAEUS asks a WOMAN IN THE CROWD to move so he can see Jesus. The WOMAN refuses and instead derides ZACCHAEUS as a person Jesus would never want to meet. This sketch leads to discussion about the kind of people Jesus cares about. View Script Details

Coupon Code

To receive ONE of these five featured scripts for free, add it to your cart and enter the coupon code “SMORES” when you check out.


No Time!

VERA and HOLDA represent the ten bridesmaids chosen to light the way for the bridegroom to take his bride home. HOLDA’s plaintive cry, “No time… no time at all… when the time comes,” is a wake-up call. Christ is coming back, and the time to get ready is now. View Script Details

Children and Christmas

Christmas DressIs there anything that excites children more than Christmas? Six-year-old Charlotte transported me back to my own childhood by dancing into church decked out in a fancy red and green Christmas dress the first Sunday in November.

Wonder of wonders, God jump started this love affair between children and Christmas by sending His promised Redeemer as a baby. Yet, sadly, many children–and adults–in our modern world know little about the real meaning of Christmas.  

AlphaStarDrama offers Christmas drama sketches to help hurting people meet the living God. We challenge you to think of creative ways to use them to reach the people in your community with Light for Life this Christmas.

“For it is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas, when its mighty Founder was a child Himself.”
― Charles DickensA Christmas Carol

Gabriel’s Strange Missions to Earthlings

Conversations with Gabriella is one of my favorite scripts! Why? Gabriella. She’s a delightful,
but somewhat daft young angel, who is distressed by Gabriel’s strange missions to Earthlings.
Why should the great Gabriel leave Heaven to deliver messages to Zechariah, Mary, Joseph, and
a few shepherds?Christmas Angel

You may know the story, but Gabriella sure didn’t. And neither do many of your friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Why not plan a Christmas tea, holiday luncheon, or dinner drama that shares God’s incredible plan of redemption in a fun setting?

Conversations with Gabriella features four five-minute sections separated by music. It can be performed as readers theater or staged with scenery, costumes, props, and flair. The musical selections between sections give a sense of time passing and enhance the performance.

Conversations with Gabriella is FREE from now until October 16. Why not take advantage of this opportunity to plan a special Christmas outreach in your community? You’ll find great joy in sharing the true meaning of Christmas.

Trying to Impress God

Actors performing a sketch
Adam and Cain in “What’s Wrong With Vegetables?”

“What’s Wrong With Vegetables?” includes a hilarious exchange between Cain and Adam about trying to impress God with prize vegetables, but it also opens open doors to discuss what really matters to God.

I hope you’ll find a way to use it or one of the other free scripts featured in this Free Fall Audio Impact Special.

The picture of Broadway actor George Merritt portraying Adam and Isi from Nigeria portraying Cain at the CITA (Christians in Theatre Arts) Conference in Toronto brings back delightful memories of their rich, resonant voices and interaction. Wish you’d been there!