Malchus–Man with the Miracle Ear

SYNOPSIS: As Caiaphas’s servant, Malchus was in a key position to observe the religious leaders as they plotted Jesus’ arrest. When Peter sliced off his ear in the Garden of Gethsemane, Malchus experienced an unforgettable night in which an unforgettable Man gave him a miracle ear that changed his life. That Miracle Worker is still at work healing and changing lives.

SETTING: Garden of Gethsemane.

CHARACTER: MALCHUS, Caiaphas’s servant. Wears simple tunic of fine fabric tied with satin cord to reflect his position as servant of the high priest who wore elegant garments.

PERFORMANCE TIME: 7-10 minutes.

PERFORMANCE NOTES: Tell the story in an expressive, conversational style to draw listeners into the experience. Add gestures and act out as appropriate.

TOPICS: Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion. Miracles. Healing. Hearing God’s voice.

PERFORMANCE POSSIBILITIES: Maundy Thursday or Good Friday services. Worship services.

BIBLE REFERENCES: Matthew 26: 3-5, 47-68; Mark 14:43-65; Luke 22:47-53, 63-71; John 11:49-51, 18:1-24

PROPS: Small table. Stool. Lantern.

PRICE: $3.00