We’re Gonna Miss That Boat

Audio Sample

By Patricia Souder

SYNOPSIS: Zeb and Sophie Mae, two of Noah’s neighbors, ridicule Noah as he finishes loading the Ark. After disregarding Noah’s last cry to get on the Ark, Zeb and Sophie Mae’s ridicule turns to terror as the storm starts and they begin to realize that Noah’s “flat-footed tub boat” is exactly what is needed to escape the coming flood.

SETTING: Noah’s neighborhood as the last animals board the Ark.

CHARACTERS: Zeb and Sophie Mae, dressed as hillbillies.

PERFORMANCE TIME: Approximately 6 minutes.

PERFORMANCE NOTE: Characters say lines together when marked with a star.

TOPICS: Unbelief. Ridicule. Judgment. End times.

PERFORMANCE POSSIBILITIES: Men’s, Women’s, or Couples’ events. Small groups. Youth activities. Camps and conferences. High school and college groups. Vacation Bible School. Evangelistic outreaches.

BIBLE REFERENCES: Genesis 6, 7; Matthew 24:37, 38; Luke 17: 26, 27; Hebrews 11:7; I Peter 3:20.

PROPS: None needed. Storm sound effects could be used near the end.

Script Preview for We’re Gonna Miss That Boat

Price: $3.00